About Hurkmans ET
Hurkmans ET is an European Union Certified embryo production team (NL20479) with laboratory facilities, approved for production and processing of bovine and equine embryos. This allows us to store the embryos collected for you in our EU-recognized embryo storage facility. If necessary, we can export the embryos worldwide. We also offer the option to import your purchased embryos from abroad and store them with us.
Techniques provided at Hurkmans ET include OPU (Ovum Pick-up), IVP (In Vitro Production) and ICSI (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection). We offer the possibility to house donor cows and donor mares at our own donor stations. Our recipient herds can also be used for the transplantation of fresh ICSI/IVP embryos.
Personal guidance is a matter of course for us. We can advise and assist you during the various procedures. Our counsel regarding the commercial exploitation of your donors is also an opportunity to increase the return on your ET program.
+31 (0) 6 389 197 83 info@hurkmanset.nl